




联邦勤工俭学是联邦政府资助的一项工作计划, which provides on-campus and off-campus employment opportunities to eligible undergraduate and graduate students with financial need.  The FWS program provides part-time employment to students attending CSUF who need the funding to help meet their costs of post-secondary education.  通过 联邦 勤工俭学, students engage in work for the University and non-profit agencies (as defined by the Internal Revenue Service).  透过 联邦 勤工俭学 provide essential services to the University and to the community that enable them to gain valuable work experience.




FWS工作描述模板和说明 PDF文件 在新窗口中打开

This is the new updated Job 描述 Template that is required for all 2023-2024 FWS positions. Please update all FWS job descriptions for your department utilizing 这个模板 as soon as possible. 这些描述可以直接发送给联邦勤工俭学协调员.

预算跟踪CSUF 在新窗口中打开

This is an Excel spreadsheet where timekeepers can track the FWS budgets for all students monthly. It will help determine the remaining balance for FWS students and should be used monthly to ensure students do not exceed their FWS allocation.

预计每周工作时间 在新窗口中打开

这是一种新的资源 can help employers determine an estimate of how many hours per week their   每小时 学生可以努力充分利用他们的FWS奖励. This Excel spreadsheet has 3 tabs to support estimating students initially hired during 夏天, 秋天, 还是春天.


学生只能在 一个 FWS在校内外的职位. 学生是否希望在校园里担任多个职位,  部门将需要通过非fws学生职位雇用学生.

联邦勤工俭学2023-24 AY -时间表 PDF文件 在新窗口中打开

这是一种新的资源 provides a timeline of 联邦 Work-Study events throughout the year. 它包括FWS学生助理的招聘/再招聘日期, 毕业的学生可以工作的最后几天, 我们收到的食物及渔业服务拨款及豁免的一般时间表,  as well as general time frames of when students will be awarded for the upcoming award year.

校内续聘授权书 PDF文件 在新窗口中打开

这是一种新的资源   should only be used when employers are reappointing FWS students through CHRS Student Processing or Temporary Acadcemic Employment systems. This form would ensure that Financial Aid can coordinate the FWS award on the student’s behalf and be in compliance with 联邦 regulations.

联邦勤工俭学雇主页面 在新窗口中打开

本网站将托管本年度的所有资源文件. 我计划在6月份上传所有2023-2024年的FWS资源.


This is a guide for timekeepers that was shared by Payroll when our campus transiti一个d away from using Rapid Time Entry. 我们在培训期间讨论了这个指南, 它还为时间输入和运行查询报告提供了大量信息.

出席和支付时间表-工资日历 在新窗口中打开

本网站按年提供考勤和工资表. These schedules can be used to determine the beginning and end dates for pay periods by timekeepers. These dates should be considered if using the query from the “CSUF Quick Reference Timekeeper” guide to determine FWS earnings.

FWS培训视频- 2023-2024

A recording from the training delivered during April, May, and June, for the 2023-2024 award year.



学生FWS奖励金额各不相同. 学生通常会获得5000美元的奖励.  Once the Spring semester has begun Financial Aid will be able to determine if we are able to make increases. The awards are to be earned throughout the academic year and not completely exhausted in 一个 semester. Employers are encouraged to monitor student earnings to ensure that the student does not earn more than their FWS award. If the student has exhausted their FWS award your department can choose to rehire the student as a regular student assistant to continue the student’s employment. 在7月和8月期间,学生可以获得高达20%的FWS奖励.


在CSUF,我们每年在即将到来的学年的初夏颁发FWS.  我们要求雇主在人力资源部发布空缺职位, Diversity and Inclusion via their Careers website indicating that the job is for FWS students (FYI - students without FWS awards may still apply for your open position as they often misunderstand the hiring criteria). 这个人力资源网站 包含在CHRS招聘中创造工作和雇佣学生的用户指南.  Employers will need to add the 联邦工作研究 Coordinator in Financial Aid as an approver to both the requisition and the offer in CHRS Recruiting.


The application for job postings through HRDI’s Careers website allows students to upload a screenshot of their Financial Aid Award, 并回答有关他们是否有资格参加联邦勤工俭学的问题. We encourage employers to request that students bring a print out of their financial aid awards to their interview so departments can confirm they have an FWS award and see the amount of the award.  FWS奖项非常清楚地列在学生门户网站的学生奖励屏幕上.


It is the employer’s responsibility to work with the FWS student and track the earnings to ensure they do not earn more than their award amount. 雇主可使用   FWS跟踪表在新窗口中打开  跟踪FWS学生的工资.  Any earnings paid to the student over the award amount would need to be reimbursed by the hiring department.


Employers must provide a job description within CHRS Recruiting that meets 联邦 Work-Study guidelines. 为了帮助雇主满足这些要求,请填写   这个模板在新窗口中打开   并将其附在CHRS招聘的申请单上(在文件标签中).

其他资源和信息可在  学生就业人力资源网站  在新窗口中打开


作为雇主,你要支付学生助理收入的100%.  With FWS student earnings the federal government pays 75% (this is called the 联邦 Share) and you pay only 25%. 有些时候可以100%报销. 以下例子来自《正规靠谱的彩票平台》, 并描述何时可以100%报销:

  1. The student is employed as a reading or mathematics tutor for preschool age children or children who are in elementary school; or

  2. The student is performing family literacy activities in a family literacy project that provides services to families with preschool age children or children who are in elementary school; or

  3. The student is employed in community service activities and is performing civic education and participation activities in a project as defined in 34 CFR 675.18(g)(4).

For the 2023-24 academic year our institution has been approved by the department of Education for a waived share institutional match requirement. 目前,联邦勤工俭学的报销是100%,不超过学生的奖励金额. 社区服务有不同的联邦份额, 欲了解更多信息,请参阅下面的FWS校外雇主常见问题解答. 



FWS雇主常见问题PDF文件 在新窗口中打开

FWS校外雇主常见问题 PDF文件 在新窗口中打开


